Construction Phase …

A website is a living, breathing, entity and subject to constant change. This site, my legacy website, is currently undergoing renovations. Though actually a never ending “work in progress”, the site renovation is complete. Built upon the Pinboard theme by One Designs, much of the desired functionality was added through…

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Chrome OS

chrome icon

I started using Chrome browser when it first rolled out in 2008, mainly because it was faster and lighter than Firefox or Opera, and I tend to go for minimalism. In retrospect, Chrome has become the browser I use exclusively and recently I thought about why that is so.

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The Death of FrontPage

I just received a notice from my web host that the new release of cPanel will not include support for Microsoft FrontPage. I used the Microsoft Office development tool several years ago, as it was a step up from the WYSIWYG web-builder offered by GeoCities during my introduction into creating websites, however, I eventually abandoned FrontPage in lieu of native HTML coding roughly 6 years ago.

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